Oxygen Generators

Making the Right Choice: Cylinder Oxygen vs. Onsite Oxygen Generation in Wastewater Treatment

April 4, 2024

Oxygen plays a crucial role in wastewater treatment by supporting the growth and survival of beneficial aerobic bacteria, as well as enhancing the breakdown of contaminants and organic matter. Adding oxygen to wastewater is particularly crucial during periods of low dissolved oxygen levels, such as in hot climates like Australia or during periods of increased bacterial activity, ensuring uninterrupted aerobic conditions for efficient waste breakdown. Onsite oxygen generators are becoming an increasingly popular choice to supply oxygen to wastewater plants, due to their reliability, cost-effectiveness and capacity to provide a consistent and tailored oxygen supply. The choice between cylinder oxygen and onsite oxygen generation significantly impacts the efficiency and productivity of wastewater treatment. Understanding the differences and benefits will help you choose the most appropriate oxygen supply at your wastewater treatment plant.

Understanding Cylinder Oxygen in Wastewater Treatment

Cylinder oxygen involves the transportation and supply of compressed or liquid oxygen cylinders from third-party suppliers to wastewater treatment plants.

Advantages of Cylinder Oxygen for Wastewater Treatment:

•          Initial Affordability: Cylinder oxygen has lower upfront costs due to minimal infrastructure investment.

Considerations with Cylinder Oxygen:

•          Overall Higher Operating Costs: Recurring expenses for cylinder rental, refills and deliveries increase operational costs over the long term.

•          Dependency: Reliance on external suppliers may lead to logistical challenges, potential delays and cost fluctuations/increases.

•          Storage and Safety: Managing large oxygen cylinders requires space and adherence to safety protocols.

Onsite Oxygen Generation: Transforming Wastewater Treatment

Onsite oxygen generation systems produce oxygen directly at the wastewater treatment facility. These systems use technologies like Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) to extract oxygen from ambient air, providing an uninterrupted and reliable supply.

Advantages of Onsite Oxygen Generation for Wastewater Treatment:

Implementing onsite oxygen gas generators in wastewater treatment plants offers a range of benefits over cylinder oxygen, contributing to efficient and cost-effective operations:

•          Reliability: Our systems guarantee a continuous and dependable oxygen supply, eliminating reliance on external suppliers, therefore minimising downtime and the risk of disruptions.

•          Independence: Oxygen generators eliminate reliance on external suppliers, ensuring self-sufficiency in oxygen supply.

•          Cost Efficiency: Generating oxygen onsite leads to long-term savings due to reduced operational expenses, such as lower cost per cubic metre and the elimination of unnecessary charges, such as delivery fees associated with cylinder oxygen. The return on investment is generally achieved quickly between 6 months to 2 years.

•          Customisation and Control: Oxygen generation systems can be tailored to match specific water treatment needs and plant/facility sizes. They offer unparalleled control and quality, allowing you to adjust oxygen levels according to operational requirements. Improved treatment processes lead to faster and more thorough wastewater purification.

•          Storage: Our oxygen generator systems are compact, minimising storage requirements.

•          Safety: Oxygen generators eliminate the risks associated with the storage and handling of high-pressure gas and

•          Sustainable Model: Our tailored solutions optimise resources for more efficient operations and eliminate gas wastage, unlike cylinder gas. If your plant has access to localised green energy, you also eliminate energy costs, which constitute most of the costs associated with generating your oxygen supply.

Considerations with Onsite Oxygen Generation:

•          Initial Investment: Oxygen Generators have higher upfront costs due to the infrastructure setup and equipment acquisition.

•          Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring optimal system performance and longevity.

Oxygen Generator for Wastewater Plants: Why Partner With Gas Generation Australia?

Partnering with Gas Generation Australia brings several benefits to wastewater treatment. With higher purity ratings, our oxygen generators offer up to a remarkable 99.5% purity level, outperforming cylinder gas systems, making Gas Generation Australia an optimal choice to ensure superior water treatment outcomes. Wastewater treatment plants experience a reduction in odours and volatile organic compounds (VOCs),increased biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels and bacterial growth, enhancing the system's efficiency and contributing to a cleaner treatment process.

Choosing the Ideal Oxygen Supply for Wastewater Treatment

Selecting between cylinder oxygen delivery and onsite oxygen generation in wastewater treatment involves careful evaluation of facility requirements, operational demands, and long-term cost implications. While cylinder delivery offers lower initial costs, onsite oxygen generation presents opportunities for reliability, cost and operation efficiency. Please see our detailed cost analysis for a comparative breakdown of costs between cylinder oxygen and our onsite oxygen generator systems. If you need further guidance on whether an oxygen generator system is right for you, Gas Generation can provide a tailored cost analysis for your wastewater plant. Contact us today to discover how our onsite oxygen generation systems can elevate your wastewater treatment processes.

At Gas Generation Australia, we specialise in providing tailored onsite oxygen generation solutions specifically designed for wastewater treatment. Our commitment to efficient, reliable oxygen supply ensures seamless operations and cost efficiency for your facility's wastewater treatment requirements.












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